

Welcome to Middle Passage Media LLC”, a company dedicated to the restoration and elevation of the greatness in our so-called “at-risk youth”.

For far to long inner city children, especially black boys have been written off as helpless, hopeless and thought of as unable to be reformed. “Super Predators” is what the last generation was labeled.

Here at Middle Passage Media LLC we believe that every young person has the ability to be that which God created everyone to be regardless of the conditions and realities in-which we come from. We believe that young boys are not being taught the true nature of what a man really is and how we should function as a civilized citizen in society.

We use a plethora of ideals to reach and effectively communicate with our young boys, but none more important then the mentorship, motivation and leadership of our founder, president and CEO Corey Frazier.

Mr. Frazier speaks directly to our young people from his own experiences of being in the streets of Flint Michigan, gang-banging, substance abuse and spending over 17 years behind bars.

“Project P.E.A.C.E. “(practicing excellence achieves conscious elevation) is our at-risk youth program that we teach in county jails and detention centers. The objective is to educate our young people on the importance of understanding the true meaning of what it is to be a man. We also target areas of anger management, victim empathy, cognitive reception, problem solving and substance abuse.

“Fux Up The World Blog” is intended to do just that, fux up conventional thinking that relates to our society and the world. F.U.T.W blog is an intense body of writings from our founder that challenges thoughts and beliefs to take a serious look at ideals and information within our culture from a different perspective.

“Corrected Felon Podcast” deals with an unlimited amount of topics that inspire, inform and mobilize people to a call of action to help create a better way of life for our society.

We also have merch, so head over to “Middle Passage Merch” tab and shop with us. We also accept donations and all contributions go directly to the advancement of “Middle Passage Media”.

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For booking speaking events or inquiries just email





Atlanta Ga