
F.U.T.W (Fux Up The World) Blog

“Fux Up The World Blog” is intended to do just that, fux up conventional thinking that relates to our society and the world

A New Perspective

“Happy New Year” with the fireworks screen (if you have a iPhone) popped up on my phone all night as text messages rolled in with friends and family members excited to be able to put 2020 behind us. I can’t lie, I was in the moment too. However, this morning I started thinking, “Is 2020 really over? or will 2021 be a continuation of 2020?”

What makes the changing of a day so different from the next? And how will that produce different results from those last 24 hours that a lot of us just went through?

Keep in mind that the pandemic is still not under control and now there are reports of a New Coronavirus Variant, the country will have a change of power in the next 19 days with a new administration taking charge of the federal government. Unemployment is steady on the rise, violence is becoming ramped I mean things look more bleak then hopeful on the surface if you are following what going on from the past 24 hours.

So what can make this year 2021 different from 2020 with the same problems and new problems following us into the new year?

How you look at it, that’s what can make this year different.

If you only see the problems and there are going to be a lot of them in 2021, then this year will be a continuation of the last. If you change your perspective and belief’s to find the good, then 2021 will be a fresh start to a year that you want to produce.

Here is a new perspective that I believe we all can looked at, If you are reading this blog then that means you woke up into the new year, because somebody else didn’t. Every day that you wake up is a blessing because someone else didn’t and it’s going to come a time that we all don’t make it into another morning. Make life meaningful, enjoyable, and most importantly make life full of love.

Let’s all be in this together, challenges are coming in 2021, but our perspective and beliefs will determine how we transition from 2020 through 2021.

So let’s have a blessed year on purpose.