
F.U.T.W (Fux Up The World) Blog

“Fux Up The World Blog” is intended to do just that, fux up conventional thinking that relates to our society and the world

Violence In America is American

On January 6, 2021 the United States Capital building was attacked by an angry mob of domestic white terrorist Trump supporters which caused elected members of congress, men and women running, hiding and scared for their lives. Rightfully so. There is nothing more terrifying then not knowing the unknown.

After there was calm and control from the capital police, with the assistance of other local authorities, congress, alone with Vice President Mike Pence, continued with the certification of of President-Elect Joe Biden and and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America.

Before they convened with the certification of the electoral college of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, most members of congress expressed their grievances with the attack on the US Capital. Many called what happen as “un-American”. Even President-Elect Joe Biden said, and I quote; “The scenes and chaos at the capital do not reflect a true America, do not represent who we are”.

And all of that had me like, huh? What?….Un-American?

American violence is as American as apple pie, baseball, Uhaul, Budweiser, Ford and General Moters just to name a few.

The very existence and establishment of this country by the founding fathers and early colonizers from England used violence to take control and seize this land to call it their own. The false befriending of the Native people, then killing them and displacement was the motives and actions used to create this nation that we call North America. The very nature of the founding fathers and the early colonizers was that of murder, rape and bloodshed. Native American were slaughtered in the name of ‘Civilization’.

History has a record of this bloodshed and I’ll point out one, and the rest, history speaks for itself. First, in old western movies the natives were portrayed as the bad guys when in reality it was the other way around. Let’s look at the “Sand Creek Massacre”.

On November 29, 1864, a former Methodist minister, John Chivington, led a surprise attack on peaceful Cheyennes and Arapahos on their reservation. His force consisted of 700 men. Chivington and his men boasted that they were going to kill Indians. Chivington declared, “Damn any man who sympathizes with Indians!…I have come to kill Indians, and believe it is right and honorable to use any means under God’s heavens to kill Indians.” Chivington led his men against 200 Cheyennes and Arapahos. As many as 160 were massacred, mostly women and children.

If we want to get into slavery we can, however for the sake of time and space, you all know to well the plight of black people in America. So I don’t have to really get into that.

What I’m trying to emphasize is that when our elected officials try to convince the American public that what happened at the capital isn’t who we were are as Americans is a flat out lie. Our music and movies is celebrated because of it’s violent content, even social media with the most graphic content gets the most views and likes. We are taught in school of our violent history as a nation. This is who we are.

Until we come to terms with who we are as a nation, we will never atone and become the nation that we have the potential to be. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave the nation a blueprint at the “Million Man March” on how to heal as a country and below is that blueprint. Let’s atone as a nation so that we can strive and bring into existence what we really can be, the greatest nation on earth. But first America must ‘Atone.’
